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Sports Premium
The government announced funding to support the delivery of PE and school sport. Through the previous success of the School Sports Partnership programme and a commitment to ensure continued high standards of delivery in PE and school sport, there is a desire to continue to provide a coordinated level of support to enhance the delivery of PE and school sport.
The government funding is ring fenced only to be spent on PE and School Sport. The outcome is to improve teaching and learning in PE and School Sport. Ofsted have strengthened its coverage of sport within the inspectors’ handbook and supporting guidance, so that schools and inspectors are clear about how PE and school sport will be assessed in the future as part of the overall provision offered by the school. The revised handbook will ask inspectors to consider:
“How well the school uses its Sports Premium Funding to improve the quality and breadth of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and school sport, so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.”
Specifically the Ofsted guidance for inspector states:
Inspectors should consider the impact of the new primary school sport funding on pupils’ lifestyles and physical wellbeing by taking account of the following factors:
The increase in participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics.
The increase and success in competitive school sports.
How much more inclusive the physical education curriculum has become.
The growth in the range of provisional and alternative sporting activities.
The improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners.
Links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills.
The greater awareness amongst pupils about the dangers of obesity, smoking and other activities that undermine pupils’ health.
How is the fund spent?
The aim of the funding is to improve the quality and a breadth of our PE and school sport provision and to meet the criteria we have identified a number of key priorities which include:
Investing in continued professional development for our staff.
Increasing the competitive opportunities available to all of our children.
Increasing the number of after school sports clubs available to our children.
Working in partnership with other schools to share expertise and resources.
Working in partnership with other organisations/agencies to increase the number of opportunities available to the children and staff.
Offering new and varied sporting opportunities and experiences for our children and staff.
How will we know it’s working?
We will carry out regular reviews on progress and audit and assess our needs. Individual pupils/year groups/target groups of children who may be targeted for intervention will be assessed at the start of the programme and reviewed as the year progresses. Teaching staff have all been audited, prior to the start of this academic year, in relation to their training needs. At the end of the year a review of those needs and how they have been addressed will be undertaken. At the same time, an audit for future needs will be carried out.